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HU Mineral - Products

HUmineral™ is committed to delivering consumers information and quality products that are from organic, natural, and chemical-free sources in the form of whole foods and whole food supplements.  Their products are all derived and manufactured in the USA.  Their products assist in rehydration, circulation, digestion, detoxification and balanced remineralization.

Immune Boost - Raw Liquid

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Humic Fulvic minerals are organic compounds rich in polyphenols, life-giving electrolytes and trace minerals.  They are easily assimilable plant-derived nutrients.  In this form they can be used in beverages, smoothies or a quick shot with a chaser of water.

Immune Boost - Powder (Veg)

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Humic Fulvic minerals are organic compounds rich in polyphenols, life-giving electrolytes and trace minerals.  They are easily assimilable plant-derived nutrients. In capsule form they can be easily swallowed with or without food and water.

Zeolite Whole Body Detox

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lZeolite forms a molecular cage trap with ability to sort molecules based on size. Zeolite picks up contaminations and heavy metals through food, environment and other sources that are not organic forms and can be assimilated and or excreted by the body’s natural detoxification process. HU Healthy Zeolite is a dual product, also containing HU MINERAL, over 80 organic minerals (poly-phenols and antioxidants), restoring nutrients and hydration.


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When making Venmo Payments, please reference the order number from JotForms! 

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Venmo Payment


Scan the QR Code with your phone's camera or send a payment to @CCH-LLC on Venmo as a way to complete the payment. Please include in the message text your shipping address, the product and how many you are getting, and your name.

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